Thursday, March 24, 2011


Tagaytay is about 2-3hour drive from Manila depending on the traffic. A place good for relaxation and recreation that is why we decided to include this place on our itinerary.

From Manila Ocean Park, we rode a taxi to Baclaran. From there, we waited for a bus and luckily we were able to ride on an air-conditioned bus. The weather that day was so hot. We didn't really know how to get to 5R Tagaytay(the place we reserved for us to stay). We were thinking that it will be easy once we get reach Tagaytay.

I was lucky enough that I sat next to an MMDA personnel in the bus so I asked him where will we drop off in Tagaytay to get to 5R. He gladly told me to drop off at Olivares Terminal and rode a tricycle from there which would bring us directly to 5R. We did what he instructed us.

Upon arriving at 5R, we were taken to a room with two queen size bed good for the 4 of us. There was a CR, small table, aircon and TV inside the room. Just enough since we will only be sleeping and staying in the place for one night.

It was already 6PM when we arrived there. We fixed ourselves, arranged our things and rested for awhile before proceeding with dinner.

After 1hour, we decided that it was time to go and get some food.

Since I have been reading blogs for the last 2 weeks before we got in Manila, I had the idea of visiting the famous "Mushroom Burger" in Tagaytay. I read that it is one of the must go places in visiting Tagaytay so I told them that maybe we'll go try a bite.

I didn't realized that Mushroom Burger is very far from the place we stayed in. We rode a tricycle(mode of transportation in Tagaytay) which only fits 4 persons well. It moved too fast yet it took us quite a while to arrive at our designated destination. About 20minutes have passed and we didn't arrive at Mushroom Burger yet so I decided to call the attention of the driver because maybe there was a misunderstanding between our conversation, only to find out that we already arrived(really, this place is very far from 5R).

We got inside the place, ordered for the much famous 'burger', sat down and ate.
Cena and I grabbed the regular burger while the 2 boys got a special burger which I think is the biggest burger they offerred. Since we were all very hungry, were done eating in a couple of minutes.

As for the burger, the taste is just like any other burger I tasted but the ingredients are more of mushroom than the beef. It was just okay for me but not something that really should be craved for. The price is very affordable. (I was thinking that maybe, I must have read the wrong info about this burger). But anyway, at least we tried it since it is one of the attractions Tagaytay is bragging about.

We weren't super satisfied with the burger so we agreed to eat a real meal(rice and viand). We didn't know what restaurant to go for so we purposely walked, hoping that we could find a good restaurant along the way but I guess the restaurant are still too far. We saw a jeepney coming and so we rode on it. The jeepneys in Tagaytay usually moves very fast(very few vehicles in the road) so we haven't really made up our mind on where exactly to eat even if we passed by a lot of restaurant already until we came to rotunda and the jeepney passed on a different route from the place that we stayed in so we got off the jeepney before we lose our way.

Nobody made a decision so I suggested that we just go eat at RSM, a restaurant we passed by which has a very nice ambiance. Miscalculating the distance of RSM from Rotunda, we decided to just take a walk. We passed by the church(Lourdes Church). We got inside the church and learned that it was the fiesta.

Mmmm... Too peaceful and too few people for a fiesta. I believed people in Tagaytay don't celebrate fiesta the way we do here in Cebu. Oh, well anyway, RSM was very far from Rotunda and we had a very long walk just to arrive there.

The place was good, the ambiance was really nice indeed. It was a restaurant overlooking Taal Lake but since it was already dark, we couldn't see the beauty of the volcano. We took a look at the menu and was a bit shocked because their food are really costly but because we have already took our seats, we just then chose for our order.

We only ordered for a very few dishes and beverage. Just really enough for the four of us but we paid really
high than what we expected. Prior to going to RSM, we made an agreement to have some drinks before going to sleep but as a result of the long walk that we took in going to RSM, our bodies made a decision for us,we easily fell asleep and did not have the few drinks as planned.

As I was already expecting, I was the last one to wake up. While I was still sleeping, they were all amazed by the fog which covered the whole of the place. So my boyfriend woke me up to witness the fog. Even without taking a bath, we decided to go down and feel the fogs in our skin. Wooohhh,, it was really cold.

We came back to our room and took a bath. We were already behind schedule so instead of eating breakfast at Bag of Beans(as planned), we just went directly to Peoples Park and looked for a place to eat. Luckily, we found a carenderia where fried chicken are at its best(hahah.. exag description but super tasty fried chicken).

After eating,we were very much happy and excited to see the fog(we don't usually see this at the city). We felt that we were in other countries like the US and Japan ( LOL). We took a 'lot' of pictures while the fog is still there. We really enjoyed the chilly impression the fog is bringing.

We roamed around the People's Park for awhile, took pictures(pose here and there.. :D) and went to this stall and bought our souvenir items and shirts for ourselves. The four of us has the same black shirt from Tagaytay but of course the size differed.. :))

When we went out of the stall (was located in the inner part of the area), the fog was already gone. We can see clearly the Tagaytay Highlands and the Taal Volcano. Again, we took some pictures and rest for awhile before we left for Picnic Grove.

Picnic Grove, unlike People's Park was just near the main street. It wasn't at all hard to find. There were some men offering horseback riding but we weren't at all interested. We just wanted to take a glimpse of how this 'Picnic Grove' looks like.

It was a place good for picnic. There were many small nipa huts for rent at the sides of the place and a big space at the center where some people were lying down, flying kites and some taking pictures.
The Taal Volcano is very visible at this area(i guess that's what people are really after in here). The view was very cool. Well, as what we went here for, we took a picture with the Taal Volcano at the background.

We didn't have a lot of time to enjoy the scenery, we had to leave so that we can get to 5R before 12noon to check out. (we were afraid that we could pay extra if we lapse 12noon.. <grin>). At 5R, we arranged our things in our bags, made sure that nothing was left and went to Olivares Terminal where we could find a van for our next destination.

Enchanted Kingdom, here we come.. !!!!... =)

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