Friday, March 25, 2011

Enchanted Kingdom

Enchanted Kingdom is located at Santa Rosa City, Laguna. Since we came from Tagaytay, it was about one-hour drive from Olivares Terminal via V-Hire.

We were all very excited to visit EK. We hurriedly went to the statue of Merlin and waited for our turn to take pictures. There were many Merlin enthusiast who wanted to take some pictures with his statue. After our turn, we then fall in line to buy our ticket.

We opted for the Ride-All-You can ticket. They place a pink paper like wrist band in our wrist to signify the kind of ticket that we bought.

We were still carrying our baggages and we felt very relieved to know that unlike Manila Ocean Park, there was a baggage counter and all you have to do is pay P40 for each locker and you can leave your baggage for the whole day.

We made our way inside at about 12noon but due to excitement, we decided not to take lunch and just took a snack(Hotdog Sandwich and a drink) so that we can start enjoying the rides. The lines for each ride were already very long.

After eating, we searched for a ride that has a short line but we found none. While walking around, we saw this EKstreme ride where the line was shorter compared to the rest. We decided to take this ride first. We found out that the line was short because there was an extra payment for this aside from the Ride-All-You can ticket that we bought.

Oh Well, we can't miss this one since it looked so extremely fantastic. We paid for the extra entrance which was Php80 (if I remember it right). We got inside and waited for our turn.

It was only me, Cena and Wilson because Pat was so afraid of any ride in EK. Funny it seems since he has a big body(peace man.. :D) but he was too afraid to take any of the ride. But anyway, he already visited this place during his college days and he wouldn't want to try out some more especially on the rides that he had already tried. (Actually, he is just too afraid of almost anything dangerous.. hahahahah)

So there we waited inside, we chose for a seat that will be facing Pat so that he can took pictures of us while enjoying the ride. We were very excited indeed. The EK crew fastened our seat belts and there were about 3 crews taking turns to double check the seat belt. (I like the procedure to ensure our safety). 

Then it started moving up slowly. We were amazed by how EK looked on top and we were talking and pointing at the rides below on what we are gonna try out next. Without us knowing, we already reached the top. BOOM!! The equipment that pulled us up just release the thing where we were seated and we just had a free fall.

I don't know what to think, it was a really an unexplainable feeling in there but honestly I felt that the ride must have been destroyed and that they lost us and I was dead(LOL). I didn't know what to do for quite a couple of seconds. I lost track of whether I was holding on to anything because I can really feel that I was not seated anymore due to the gravity pulling us up. If it wasn't for the seat belt in front of us, we were all flying.

Suddenly, near the bottom of the ride an equipment held a grip of our seats and moved us down slowly.

WOW, I felt some adrenaline rushing in there. This ride is super awesome I can say. We then got up on our feet and meet Pat outside. =)

Next, we lined up for the Wheel of Fate, the line was not that long. We convinced Pat to take this ride since it was not at all too scary. We waited for our turn just about 25minutes. It was just a Ferris Wheel actually, only that the usual thing we saw here in Cebu are the ones that looked like a cage. In EK, it was like a cup-like figure with a pole at the center where you can hold on to. It was very big since there were about 48 cups making up the Wheel of Fate.

Then it started turning. Oh well, I felt that it was like any ordinary Ferris wheel I have tried but Cena and Pat have a different reaction with this ride. They were afraid.. :)) They couldn't even look up when we were on the top. Not to be rude but the two of them looked very funny. bwahahah.. I was enjoying the ride at the same time enjoying their faces and positions.(LOL) Wilson, who was not afraid at all took a picture of how terrified the two were. :P After around 6-7turns, it was our time to exit.

Flying Fiesta. This is our third ride. This time our convincing powers didn't work on Pat anymore. I guess he was too afraid of the Wheel of Fate a while ago that he refused to go rode on this one.:)) We fall in line again and waited for our turn. It took us about I think 30minutes before it was our turn.

Cena and I planned to go for a two seater so that we could sit beside each other but unlucky all two-seater seats were taken when we reach the gate so we just chose another individual seat. Here we go, flying fiesta...

In a way it was like a carousel that will turn around an axis. But the seat will go much higher and more elevated than that of a carousel and the seat was more open than the one in carousel.It was just a fun ride I can say.

After, we decided to go for some snacks. I bet the hotdog snack that we have for lunch wasn't enough since we felt a desire to eat some more. We go for a very big sweet corn while chosing for our next ride. The sweet corn stall was facing the Roller Skater, a mini roller coaster ride so we opted for this one.

Again, we convinced Pat to go ride with us and well he just said Yes. So we lined up again waited for our turn. Mmmm... I think our waiting time on this ride was almost an hour. We just entertained ourselves by watching the reaction of people in EKstreme ride just across our line.

It was our turn so I asked the crew to take us some pictures since many of the riders ask him to take their pictures too. So, we posed for the camera.. =)

At first, we were just like riding on a train, then it moved rapidly passing on a tilted pass way. I felt like we will throw out if we don't hold on to the bars surrounding us. I had so much fun with this one since we were sitting on the front row and I can anticipate when to shout and when to hold on to the bars plus I was really laughing imagining how Pat felt in this ride. :D

After that, we went directly to Anchor's Away ride. So far, this ride has the longest line of all the rides we chose. It took us about 1 and a half hour.There were 3 reasons why it took this long. First, even if the ride is not full yet, they will start it already. Second, most of the people lining up are in groups and they wanted to go with their companions and finally the place that they wanted to be seated into is already taken even though they can still took other seats. Observing the process like this, we agreed that we will raise our hands if the seats is not full yet so that the waiting time for us will become shorter. Indeed that is what we did so we passed through other people in front of us and took our turn to the ride.

My Gosh! This ride is killing me. It was really an exciting and amazing ride but every time our side went up, I felt something tickling my stomach and digging it to the bottom. (LOL). I couldn't help but shout to minimize the indescribable feeling every time we went up. I guess it swinged for around 10times and I just can't take it anymore. If it will swing a bit more, I guess I'm gonna threw up and luckily it stopped. I was really happy I rode on this one but my body is not responding well with my happiness and excitement. We got out of the ride and met Pat outside who didn't join us again.

Next on the list is the Space Shuttle Max which we all agreed that we will not missed out. I really wanted to go and ride but my body stopped me. I felt like vomiting. I told Wilson and Cena to go and line up while I go vomit. I told them that maybe I will just pass on this one because I didn't feel good anymore. I did not want to spoil their excitement that's why I did not want them to wait until I felt better. So off they went to Space Shuttle and off I went to the CR to throw up. I vomit a lot even if I haven't eaten much so to make me feel better I looked for some soup to heat up my stomach. While I was in the CR, I asked Pat to buy me some soup. When I came back to where I left Pat, he already has the soup. So I did eat.

Lucky enough, it did made me feel a bit better so Pat and I strolled around EK and looked for someone we can ask for directions in going to Manila. Along the way, we bought this newly cooked donuts which smelled so good and definitely tasted good for me. (Or maybe I was just hungry.. :D)

Not long enough, Wilson called me informing that they were finished with Space Shuttle so we met up. We wanted to try some more rides before closing time.

We went and go for Rio Grande Rapids, a sort of river rafting ride. It was not long before our turn. (Line became short fast). The cup-like vehicle that they used was good for 8-seater. There were only four of us so we shared it with a father and his 3 children. We were already prepared to get wet as we hide our cameras inside our bags and placed it under the shirts of the boys. Whoops, started the ride. It traveled through a pathway full of water. It moved in an alternate pattern- slow then fast.

Every time it moved fast, the splash of water gets into our vehicle and makes most of us wet. Surprisingly, I didn't get very wet. I only had my hair and sleeve a bit wet but Cena was like having another bath. I was so amused looking at her. I laughed at her actually since she got almost all the splash of water. (Peace.. [grin])

Outside we took pictures and decided to eat dinner. We chose Stir Fried Rice so that it will be easier to eat since we can just walk while eating until we saw an empty table with seat and we sat there. After a short time, we saw a ride with a very short line so we hurriedly got inside and waited for our turn. It was Jungle Log Jam.

Short enough, we were already in our corresponding seat, it was more like the Rio Grande Rapids only that the seat was not a cup-like one but a tube like one where the 4 of us just exactly fitted. Since Cena was already very wet, we put her on the front liner. After this ride, Cena was even wetter than ever. (LMAO). Again, i didn't get too wet with this one.

It was already closing time and we couldn't go for another ride anymore. We walked towards the exit and got our baggage. Cena has to change since she was wet all over and Pat also changed his shirt. Wilson and I waited outside and took a look around one last time.

It was a very memorable day for all of us. Time to go back to Manila. :)


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